AAASSHER Open Access Publishing

All AAASSHER journals are fully open access under CC BY license (Creative Commons CC BY public use license), which permits the broadest form of re-use including for commercial purposes, provided that author attribution and integrity are maintained.

Open Access Pricing

All AAASSHER journals require article processing charges (APCs) to be paid following acceptance. Standard rate for papers in all AAASSHER journals is ₹ 1500 (for Indian authors) and $ 50 (for non-Indian authors).

Waiver Policy

To help support researchers who are unable to meet some or all of the costs associated with publishing open access, AAASSHER operates a transparent waiver policy.

To help support researchers in low-to-middle income countries, all AAASSHER journals provide full and partial waivers of article processing charges for manuscripts based on the corresponding author’s affiliation. 

AAASSHER waiver policy follows a two tier approach:

Countries listed below in Group A will receive a full (100%) waiver of article processing charges.

Countries listed below in Group B will receive a partial (50%) waiver of article processing charges. 

Waiver requests outside of these two tiers will not be considered.

  • Afghanistan 
  • Angola 
  • Bangladesh 
  • Belize 
  • Benin 
  • Bhutan 
  • Burkina Faso 
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia 
  • Cameroon 
  • Cabo Verde 
  • Central African Republic 
  • Chad 
  • Comoros
  • Congo 
  • Cook Islands 
  • Côte d’Ivoire 
  • Cuba 
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Djibouti 
  • Dominica 
  • Equatorial Guinea 
  • Eritrea 
  • Eswatini 
  • Ethiopia 
  • Gambia 
  • Ghana 
  • Grenada 
  • Guinea 
  • Guinea-Bissau 
  • Haiti 
  • Kenya 
  • Kiribati 
  • Kyrgyzstan 
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic 
  • Lesotho 
  • Liberia 
  • Madagascar 
  • Malawi 
  • Maldives 
  • Mali 
  • Marshall Islands 
  • Mauritania 
  • Micronesia (Federated States of) 
  • Mozambique 
  • Myanmar 
  • Nauru 
  • Nepal 
  • Nicaragua 
  • Niger 
  • Niue 
  • Papua New Guinea 
  • Republic of Moldova 
  • Rwanda 
  • Saint Helena 
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
  • Samoa 
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Senegal 
  • Sierra Leone 
  • Solomon Islands 
  • Somalia 
  • South Sudan 
  • Sudan 
  • Suriname 
  • Syrian Arab Republic 
  • Tajikistan 
  • Timor-Leste 
  • Togo 
  • Tokelau 
  • Tonga 
  • uvalu 
  • Uganda 
  • Ukraine 
  • United Republic of Tanzania 
  • Vanuatu 
  • Venezuela 
  • Yemen 
  • Zambia 
  • Zimbabwe
  • Albania 
  • Algeria 
  • Antigua and Barbuda 
  • Armenia 
  • Azerbaijan 
  • Belarus 
  • Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 
  • Botswana 
  • Colombia 
  • Ecuador 
  • Egypt 
  • El Salvador 
  • Fiji Gabon 
  • Georgia 
  • Guatemala 
  • Guyana 
  • Honduras 
  • Iraq 
  • Jamaica 
  • Jordan 
  • West Bank and Gaza Strip 
  • Lebanon 
  • Libya 
  • Mauritius 
  • Mongolia 
  • Montenegro 
  • Morocco 
  • Namibia 
  • Nigeria 
  • North Macedonia 
  • Pakistan 
  • Palau 
  • Paraguay 
  • Peru
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tunisia
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam

If you have any questions regarding our waiver policy, please E-mail us:

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